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Lara Moses

Kia Ora!

My name is Lara, my pronouns are she/her, and I am so excited to be part of the committee of Rerenga Awa. Youth Work has always been a passion of mine, handed down from my mother, who helped a decade of young people who dropped out of school obtain their diplomas in my home town.

I finished my Masters of Social Work (Applied) in 2015 and immediately went to work in the youth sector. I began work at Aviva, a family violence agency, as someone who worked with people ages 12-25 who had the experience of family or sexual violence. I also volunteered with Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury. In 2018 I went to work at Christchurch City Libraries, based at TÅ«ranga. In my role as Youth Liaison, I help plan programming for young people, work with other youth agencies to plan awesome events for young adults, and sometimes I sit and have a cuppa with a young person who just needs someone to chat to.

I live in New Brighton with my husband, our four cats (Ariadne, Echo, Pennywise and Babadook) and two parrots (Gregory Peck and Atticus Finch).

I look forward to meeting all of you at our connect meetings!



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