Jahmi Sheehan
Kei te tū au ki ruka i te whenua o Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe me Waitaha hoki ōku Iwi,
he tautoko au i kā Rakatahi me kā whānau katoa
Ko Jahmi tōku ikoa
I have spent over 10 years working alongside rakatahi and whānau across the intellectual disability, government, and community sectors, and my current role at Ngā Maata Waka as part of the fast track Ōtautahi interagency initiative. Throughout this journey, I have developed a deep commitment to supporting whānau and rakatahi, equipping them with the tools and guidance they need to navigate challenges and reach their full potential.
My passion lies in empowering whānau and rakatahi to become leaders of their own change, fostering positive, sustainable impacts within their communities. I believe in cultivating leadership, resilience, and self-determination, knowing that these are the foundations for strengthening future generations.
As I approach the completion of my master’s degree, I am focused on enhancing practice within our services through an indigenous lens. My aim is to ensure that the diverse communities we serve are recognised, and their unique needs are understood and met.
My challenge is simple but profound: to continue reshaping our services so that whānau and rakatahi are not only seen, but valued, and supported in becoming the champions of their own futures.