Welcome to our Supervisors section. Here you will find information about the various services we offer to support youth workers in Waitaha Canterbury. Whether you are looking for resources for supervision or guidance in finding a supervisor, we are here to help.
On this page you will find the Code of Ethics clauses that pertain to Supervision as well as resources available to develop, strengthen, and support Supervision training.
Supervision Database
Our supervision database is a valuable resource for youth workers in Waitaha Canterbury to become great youth workers! Our database can help you find a suitable supervisor who can provide guidance and support your professional development. Take advantage of this service to enhance your skills and knowledge.
Supervision is an ethical commitment of youth work practice guided by the principles of the Code of Ethics for Youth Work in Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you are looking for a Supervisor* -->
Listing Your Supervision
If you are a qualified supervisor, you can list your available services in our database to connect with youth workers seeking supervision. By listing yourself, you can contribute to the growth and development of the youth work community in Waitaha Canterbury. Join us in supporting the next generation of youth workers.
If you are a Supervisor -->
Resources for Supervision
We understand the importance of continuous learning and professional development in the field of youth work. That's why we provide a wide range of resources to support your supervision journey. From articles and books to online courses and workshops, we have everything you need to excel in your role as a supervisor.
A collection of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and skill, encompassing research, personal experiences, customary and cultural knowledge, and beliefs of young people and their whānau, mātauranga is evidence-based, timely, and meaningful, honoring indigenous thinking. Strengthening mātauranga involves weaving diverse forms of knowledge into relevant decisions for young people and their whānau, empowering them to make holistic choices and encourage reflection on relationships and practice.
(Ara Taiohi, 2021)

Clause 22
22.1 Youth workers actively participate in regular supervision (such as individual, group, peer, or team supervision) with skilled supervisors.
22.2 Supervision should be resourced and initiated by the youth worker’s organisation. Youth workers have the right to negotiate who their supervisor/s are, and to identify specific areas of expertise that would benefit the young people they work with.
(Clause 22 S22.1-2, Ara Taiohi, 2021)

Clause 24
24.1 Youth workers actively reflect on attitudes and methods, and are open to learning from a variety of spaces, including indigenous, informal and evidence-based mātauranga.
24.2 Youth workers prioritise formal and informal training and professional development.
24.3 Youth workers regularly seek feedback from young people, whānau, their organisation, colleagues and other professionals to inform their practice.
24.4 Youth workers consider and reflect on their long-term career path.
24.5 Youth workers have knowledge and understanding of this Code of Ethics and how it applies to their work.
(Clause 24 S24.1-5, Ara Taiohi, 2021)