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CONNECT Network Hui 

These meetings are held quarterly throughout the year to allow anyone in the youth sector to meet others and form relationships. We often theme each meeting around a particular topic and invite some organisations to share what they are doing in that area. Always kai and chance to share info.

These meetings are typically held on a Wednesday from 10am-12pm.


Who coordinates these?
Rerenga Awa Coordinator together with hosts from the community. 

How do I know when these are happening?
Connect Meeting dates are included in our Newsletter to the sector 
and our online Calendar.
Sign up for the general mailing list HERE.

Can I host one of these at my facility?
Would love to chat about it! Contact  


Rainbow Network 

These gatherings are held once a term for anyone who is working with young people within the rainbow community. These meetings are around 1hour 30 mins to fit in with your schedule. 

Who coordinates these?

Rerenga Awa

How do I know when these are happening?

Meeting dates and times can often be found in the Rerenga Awa Newsletter and our online Calendar 

Pou Tūhono Network

These hui are still a work in progress and we are looking at how we can best offer ongoing support to this rōpū. However, our initial hui have shown that Māori youth workers are keen for more whanaungatanga, information sharing, supporting tangata whenua who may be isolated in their organisation, upskilling in Te Ao Māori and also helping Pakehā to advocate for Māori.

Who coordinates these?
Rerenga Awa and Bi-cultural strategic planning group 

How do I know when these are happening?
Meeting dates can often be found in the Rerenga Awa Newsletter
and our online Calendar. 

To make sure you're included, join the Poū Tuhono mailing list.
Sign up HERE.

Eastside Youth Workers Network

These gatherings are held once a term throughout the year to allow anyone working with young people on the Eastside of Chch to get to know each other. This is all about feeling connected within the Eastside community, finding out what each organisation is up to, and offering support where possible.

Who coordinates these?

Rerenga Awa plus whoever is hosting

How do I know when these are happening?
Meeting dates can often be found in the Rerenga Awa Newsletter
and our online Calendar. 
To make sure you're included, join the Eastside mailing list. Sign up  HERE.

INVENT: Riccarton/Halswell/Hornby Network

These gatherings are held once a term for anyone working in community development or with young people in these areas. Great to stay connected locally and share info. These meetings often keep to a 1 hour time frame to make it easier to fit in to your schedule.

Who coordinates these?
Rerenga Awa

How do I know when these are happening?
Meeting dates can often be found in the Rerenga Awa Newsletter
and our online Calendar. 


Youth Participation Network

These gatherings are held once a term for those that are working within the Youth Participation space. This is a great way to connect with others who are working in the same area to share current wins or struggles. 

Who coordinates these?

Rerenga Awa

How do I know when these are happening?

Meeting dates and times can often be found in the Rerenga Awa Newsletter and our online Calendar 

Youth Participation Network
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